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Aircraft conversions dock for P2F and special modifications

Aircraft conversions dock for P2F and special modifications

Aircraft conversion docking system for passenger to freighter (P2F) and special modifications

For the conversion of a B737-800 BCF (Boeing Converted Freighter) we designed a special optimized fixed height mobile dock. The docking can be used for conversion activities and consists of two separate modules, a left and right side.

Movable bridge

There is a movable bridge between the two modules, so you can easily move from the left to the right side of the aircraft. The movable bridge can be lifted on to the docking halves using a hangar crane or mobile crane and is secured by a guidance rail on the right hand side. The docking system is surrounded by safety railings.

Stabilizer jacks (with swivel castor wheels) are used to safely secure the B737-800 BCF FWD Docking on the hangar floor.


  1. For single and multiple aircraft configurations
  2. Ground mobile
  3. Easy-to-manoeuvre
  4. Safety / fall-protection features
  5. Configurable railing solutions
    • Adjustable floor panel solutions
    • Height-adjustment solutions
  6. Dedicated utility installation (electrical / pneumatics)
  7. Intuitive user interfaces
  8. Including safety labels, signs and instruction plates
  9. Mixed aluminium-steel material selection for lightweightness,
    robustness and stability
  10. Conservation to corrosion and aviation liquids

The docking system for the conversion of passenger to freighter aircraft (P2F) is suitable for e.g. A320 | A330 | B737 | B767 | B777 series and for special modifications for e.g. B737 series.